Colo Lobbyism -

Colo is going to high school (gymnasiet) - depicted in the book “AI in high school” where the writer Sine Zambach is wearing Colo’s “God sweatshirt” - first worn by a transhumanistic holy warrior as shown on the photo. At the book reception yesterday Teater Fantast came by and showed a little from the play DATA DATA - which is about the first programmer on this planet - Ada Lovelace (That’s a woman). See Colo’s Ada tee in the collection from F/W 15.

Sine has also written “kvinde kend din kode” and it is of course a nod to “kvinde kend din krop” which was the reason Colo as mentioned besides the book also handed out vibrators from PEECH at the Parvati Records x Arcanum Collective x Colo rave in may.

Primarily cis men are coding the next step in evolution meaning the AI babies - it makes Colo think of the story written by men about god first creating Adam - then took a rib from him and created Eve from that.. naaaah not anymore
so go make those algorithms ladies! (And non cis males) Feeling good (vibrations)on the way ay! 😅

(Of course gender will probably not continue in AI but values will - and Colo will stop here since that sentence could start a long discussion).

Colo curated outside at the Parvati X Arcanum X Colo night this saturday. 

3 installations:

-> Meditating AI -> First an AI generated photo - then turned into an animation by 3D artist _V.3lo. Played in a flatscreen placed in an iron structure made by Laura Luella Guiseppi. Thanks to Roman Romanov for lending and putting it up. And thanks to Bagsværd jernhandel for wires. 

-> 3D printet sculpture. 3D figure again by _V.3lo - printed by Mads Sigvert. 

-> You can never get enough of the most seen picture ever - the windows bliss. Colo started to use it as a theme in the year 2015 (After others also did it during the vaporwave period). Here painted on a computer screen - idea by Colo and painted by collectivist at Lurendrejeren Angela Murphy. 

And lastly a relax area with a unicorn movie playing eternally. Video by Julien Tromeur (Julos)... and also a lot of unicorn teddys. 

Light and arrangement by Colo - with helping hands from Hugh Mcgrade and Joe Nielsen <3​

Shopify only allow one picture per post - so many posts it is ->